14 September 2009

El Woe

I'm a little worried about the absence of my VTTT. I know he hasn't put a full halt to our lessons, but I don't see them continuing any time in the near future, and here's the thing: I want to get better. I still have things to learn, and I think they're things that can be best learnt one-on-one, rather than in a class. I can't get my FTT to teach me one-on-one for an hour, because (a) he has a life that keeps him busy; (b) he's my friend; and (c) I can't seem to get him to comment on my dancing (although I also can't determine whether he likes it or not). So I think I need to strengthen my spine and talk to my VTTT about getting another TT (an LNTT [less nice tango teacher]). I'll wait another week or so, and then I'll explain it all to him. I have volcadas to learn, and barridos (or whatever they're called), and fancy boleos to feel comfortable with! Oh, VTTT: you have left me half-formed!

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